Social Media Content
Below you will find the available option of prices for each service, as well as information on how to order and make a payment.
To reserve your session or project, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page completely, and you will be contacted as soon as possible.
Our prices:
1. Beyond the Social Media
$1.200 USD total
(equivalent to $240 USD per week for 5 weeks)
1 production day Photoshoot + Video
( Proffesional Gears)You will receive:
10 photographies + 5 videosWe recommend posting this content as follows: 2 images and 1 video per week over the course of 5 weeks. Social media postings must be managed by the client. The client is responsible for determining the best days and times to post.*
2. Beyond the word of mouth
$1.600 USD total
(equivalent to $320 USD per week for 5 weeks)
2 production day Photoshoot + Video
(Proffesional Gears)You will receive:
15 photographies + 10 videosWe recommend posting this content as follows: 2 images and 1 video per week over the course of 5 weeks. Social media postings must be managed by the client. The client is responsible for determining the best days and times to post.*